学历: 博士
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导师类型: 博士生导师
学科方向: 0713-生态学
2011/4-2012/4,国家公派访问学者,美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)生态与进化系
长期从事生态学研究,研究方向为入侵生态学、全球变化生态学、恢复生态学。中国生态学学会生物入侵生态专业委员会委员,广东省生态学会理事,广东省自然保护地协会专家委员会委员。Weed Research 编委,《生态学杂志》编委。获得广东省教育教学成果奖二等奖2项(2014年第七届、2022年第十届)、2013年度广东省环境保护科技奖二等奖、中山大学2007年度“优秀博士后”。发表论文90余篇,其中SCI收录60篇。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,32471739 ,外来入侵植物的氮形态适应策略与微生物调节机制,2025/01-2028/12
Yao NN, Liu A, Wang XJ, Deng HH, Fan SQ, Zhang HJ, Liao HX, Peng SL, Chen BM*. 2024. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on root foraging and competitive ability depends on soil phosphorus distribution: evidence from two pairs of invasive and native plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 201:105507.
Fan SQ, Peng SL, Chen BM*. 2024. A global meta-analysis reveals the positive effect of invasive alien plants on soil heterotrophic respiration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 194:109450.
Wei HJ, Chen BM*. 2023. Competition shifts the advantage of the invasive plant Bidens alba to a disadvantage under soil ammonia nitrogen. Biological Invasions, 25:2277-2292.
Han X, Yao NN, Wang XJ, Deng HH, Liao HX, Fan SQ, Chen BM*. 2023. Short-term effects of asymmetric day and night warming on soil N2O, CO2 and CH4 emissions: a field experiment with an invasive and native plant. Applied Soil Ecology, 187:104831.
Cheng JK#, Cao MY#, Yang HR, Yue MF, Xin GR*, Chen BM*. 2022. Interactive effects of allelopathy and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the competition between the invasive species Bidens alba and its native congener Bidens biternata. Weed Research, 62:268-276.
Huang FF#, Zhou GH#, Liao HX, Fan ZX, Chen BM*. 2022. Simulated nitrogen deposition induces shifts in growth and resource-use strategies during range expansion of an invasive plant. Biological Invasions, 24:621-633.
Su JQ, Han X, Chen BM*. 2021. Do day and night warming exert different effects on growth and competitive interaction between invasive and native plants? Biological Invasions, 23:157-166.
He HB, Li WX, Zhang YW, Cheng JK, Jia XY, Li S, Yang HR, Chen BM*, Xin GR*. 2020. Effects of Italian ryegrass residues as green manure on soil properties and bacterial communities under an Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.)-rice (Oryza sativa L.) rotation. Soil & Tillage Research,196:104487.
Chen EJ, Liao HX, Chen BM, Peng SL*. 2020. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are a double-edged sword in plant invasion controlled by phosphorus concentration. New Phytologist, 226:295-300.
Chen WB, Chen BM*, Liao HX, Su JQ, Peng SL. 2020. Leaf leachates have the potential to influence soil nitrification via changes in ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria populations. European Journal of Soil Science, 71:119-131.
Cheng JK, Yue MF, Yang HR, Chen BM*, Xin GR*. 2019. Do arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi help the native species Bidens biternata resist the invasion of Bidens alba? Plant and Soil, 444:443-455.
Chen WB, Chen BM*. 2019. Considering the preferences for nitrogen forms by invasive plants: a case study from a hydroponic culture experiment.Weed Research, 59:49–57.
Chen BM*, D’Antonio CM, Molinari N, Peng SL*. 2018. Mechanisms of influence of invasive grass litter on germination and growth of coexisting species in California. Biological Invasions, 20:1881-1897.
Chen BM*, Su JQ, Liao HX, Peng SL*. 2018. A greater foraging scale, not a higher foraging precision, may facilitate invasion by exotic plants in nutrient heterogeneous conditions. Annals of Botany, 121:561-569.
Chen BM*, Peng SL. 2018. Allelopathic potential of native invasive plants: The evidence from southern China. Allelopathy Journal, 43(1): 43-52.
Chen BM, Gao Y, Liao HX, Peng SL*. 2017. Differential responses of invasive and native plants to warming with simulated changes in diurnal temperature ranges. AoB Plants, 9: plx028.
Chen BM*, Liao HX, Chen WB, Wei HJ, Peng SL*. 2017. Role of allelopathy in plant invasion and control of invasive plants. Allelopathy Journal, 41 (2): 155-166.
Chen BM, Li S, Liao HX, Peng SL*. 2017. Do forest soil microbes have the potential to resist plant invasion? A case study in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve (South China). Acta Oecologica, 81:1-9.
Liao HX, D'Antonio CM, Chen BM, Huang QQ, Peng SL*. 2016. How much do phenotypic plasticity and local genetic variation contribute to phenotypic divergences along environmental gradients in widespread invasive plants? A meta-analysis. Oikos, 125:905-917 (Editor’s choice).
Huang FF, Peng SL*, Chen BM, Liao HX, Huang QQ, Lin ZG, Liu G. 2015. Rapid evolution of dispersal-related traits during range expansion of an invasive vine Mikania micrantha H.B.K. Oikos, 124: 1023–1030.
Hou QQ#, Chen BM#, Peng SL*, Chen LY. 2014. Effects of extreme temperature on seedling establishment of nonnative invasive plants. Biological Invasions, 16: 2049-2061.
Chen BM, Peng SL*, Ni GY. 2009. Effects of the invasive plant Mikania micrantha H.B.K. on soil nitrogen availability through allelopathy in South China. Biological Invasions, 11:1291-1299.
Chen BM, Peng SL*, Chen LY, Li FR, Wang GX. 2009. Effects of aqueous extracts of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. on nutrients release from the forests litter at three succession stages in south China. Allelopathy Journal, 23(2):453-460.
Chen BM, Wang GX, Cheng DL, Deng JM, Peng SL*, An FB. 2007. Vegetation change and soil nutrient distribution along an oasis-desert transitional zone in Northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49:1537-1547.
Chen BM, Wang ZH, Li SX, Wang GX*, Song HX, Wang XN. 2004. Effects of nitrate supply on plant growth, nitrate accumulation, metabolic nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activity in three leafy vegetables. Plant Science, 167:635-643.
韩雪,苏锦权,姚娜娜,陈宝明*. 2020. 外来入侵植物的根系觅养行为研究进展. 生物多样性,28:727-733.
韩雪,陈宝明*. 2020. 增温对土壤N2O和CH4排放的影响与微生物机制研究进展. 应用生态学报,31: 3906-3914.
陈宝明*, 韦慧杰, 陈伟彬, 朱政财, 原亚茹, 张永隆, 蓝志刚. 2018. 外来入侵植物对土壤氮转化主要过程及相关微生物的影响. 植物生态学报,42: 1071-1081.
陈宝明,彭少麟*,吴秀平,王鹏龙,马建霞.2016. 近20年外来生物入侵危害与风险评估研究的文献计量分析.生态学报,36: 6677-6685.