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导师类型: 博士生导师
学历: 博士
学科方向: 0713-生态学






2012/12 至今,中山大学,赌博app ,副教授






长期从事生态学研究,研究方向为生理生态学、群落生态学、根系生物学和全球变化生态学。主持有国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点基金新教师项目等。入选2016年珠江科技新星,获得2011年全国百优博士论文提名奖。以第一作者或通讯作者在PNAS、eLife、Journal of Ecology、Diversity and distributions和Horticulture Research等期刊发表SCI论文20多篇,其中高引论文和F1000收录论文1篇。



  1. Ming Ni, Hongxia Luo, Han Xu, Chengjin Chu, Suqin Fang*. 2023. High temperature can improve the performance of invasive plants by facilitating root growth. American Journal of Botany, In press. DOI:10.1002/ajb2.16227
  2. Han Xu, Lian Xia, John R Spence, Mingxian Lin, Chunyang Lu, Yanpeng Li, Jie Chen, Tushou Luo,  Yide Li, Suqin Fang*. 2023. Flying squirrels use a mortise-tenon structure to fix nuts on understory twigs. eLife, 12: e84967
  3. Yongfa Chen, Chengjin Chu, Fangliang He, Suqin Fang*. 2022. A mechanistic model for nitrogenlimited plant growth. Annals of Botany, 129: 583-591
  4. Ming Ni, David C. Deane, Shaopeng Li, Yingtong Wu, Xinghua Sui, Han Xu, Chengjin Chu,Fangliang He, Suqin Fang*. 2021. Invasion success and impacts depend on different characteristics innon-native plants. Diversity and distributions, 27: 1194-1207
  5. Yulin He, Han Xu, Hanlun Liu, Meiling Luo, Chengjin Chu, Suqin Fang*. 2021. Sexual competitionand kin recognition co-shape traits of neighboring dioecious seedlings ofDiospyros morrisiana. Horticulture Research, 8: 1-10
  6. Han Xu, Matteo Detto, Suqin Fang*, Robin L. Chazdon, Yide Li, Billy C. H. Hau, Gunter A. Fischer, George D. Weiblen, J. Aaron Hogan, Jess K. Zimmerman, Maria Uriarte, Jill Thompson, Juyu Lian, Ke Cao, David Kenfack, Alfonso Alonso, Pulchérie Bissiengou, Hervé Roland Memiaghe,Renato Valencia, Sandra L. Yap, Stuart J. Davies, Xiangcheng Mi, Tze Leong Yao. 2020. Soil nitrogen concentration mediates the relationship between leguminous trees and neighbor diversity in tropical forests. Communications Biology, 3, 317
  7. Hongxia Luo, Han Xu, Chengjin Chu, Fangliang He, Suqin Fang*. 2020. High temperature can change root system architecture and intensify root interactions of plant seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 160
  8. Han Xu, Matteo Detto, Yanpeng Li, Yide Li, Fangliang He, Suqin Fang*. 2019. Do N-fixing legumespromote neighbouring diversity in the tropics?.Journal of Ecology, 107: 229-239
  9. Ming Ni, Yu Liu, Chengjin Chu, Han Xu, Suqin Fang*. 2018. Fast seedling root growth leads to competitive superiority of invasive plants.Biological Invasions20, 1821-1832
  10. Yu Liu, Suqin Fang, Peter Chesson, Fangliang He*. The effect ofsoil-borne pathogens depends on the abundance of host tree species , NatureCommunications, 2015, 6: 10017-10017
  11. Suqin Fang, Randy T. Clark, Ying Zheng, Anjali S. Iyer-Pascuzzi, Joshua S.Weitz, Leon V.Kochian, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Hong Liao, Philip N. Benfey. 2013. Genotypic recognition and spatialresponses by rice roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110: 2670-2675
  12. Suqin Fang, Xiang Gao, Deng Yan, Xinping Chen, Hong Liao.  2011. Crop root behavior coordinates phosphorus status and neighbors: from field studies to 3D in situ reconstruction of root system architecture. Plant Physiology, 155(3): 1277-1285
  13. Suqin Fang, Xiaolong Yan, Hong Liao.  2009. 3D reconstruction and dynamic modeling of root architecture in situ and its application on phosphorus uptake research in crop. Plant Journal, 60(6):1096-1108