学历: 博士
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导师类型: 博士生导师
1) 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 31830010,病原菌与寄主植物协同进化对森林群落构建的影响机制,2019/01-2023/12,289万元(直接经费),主持
2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32271608,森林群落特异性病原菌致病机理, 2023/01-2026/12, 54万元(直接经费), 主持
3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31770513,区域尺度下典型森林景观的历史重构,2018/01-2021/12, 65万元(直接经费), 主持
4) 国家重点研发计划(子课题),2017YFA060510,典型森林群落生态多样性维持及其对全球变化的响应,2017/07-2022/06,185万元,主持
5) 深圳市科技计划项目,基20180285,内伶仃岛生态演变对猕猴影响的研究,2019/03-2022/03,300万元,主持
6) 广东内伶仃福田国家级自然保护区管理局,福田红树林国家重要湿地植物植被监测评估2023/04-2023/12,90万元,主持
7) 广东深圳市城市管理局,福田红树林生物多样性与生态环境监测,2017/01-2020/12,140万元,主持
8) 广东省林业局,林业生态监测网络平台建设,2019/06-2023/06,158万元, 主持
9) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 31611120110, 中美生命谱系学野外联合考察, 2016/02-2016/9, 8万元, 主持
10) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 31581220366, 2015年中美生物多样性双边会, 2015/09-2015/12, 2万元, 主持
11) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)重点合作与交流项目, 31361140363, 气候变化对农用树种植物—土壤反馈系统的作用, 2014/09-2018/12, 200万元, 主持
12) 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 31230013, 森林生态系统功能稳定性与物种多样性相互关系的研究, 2013/01-2017/12, 299万元, 主持
13) 国家自然科学基金基础科学人才培养基金, J1210074, 中山大学生物学基地野外实践能力提高项目, 2013/01-2016/12, 400万元, 主持
14) 深圳市科技项目,SZCG2010023328,深圳市水库水源林不同群落生态效益研究示范工程,2011/12-2016/12, 360万元, 主持
15) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 30970468, 桉树人工林生态环境退化机制研究, 2010/01-2012/12, 38万元, 主持
16) 国家自然科学基金基础科学人才培养基金, J0921013, 全国研究生暑期学校(生物多样性), 2009/07-2009/12, 20万元, 主持
17) 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 30730021, 病原菌对森林生态系统物种多样性纬度梯度格局的影响, 2008/01-2011/12, 160万元, 主持
18) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 30570302, 桉树人工林生物多样性下降机理的研究,2006/01-2008/12, 27万元, 主持
19) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 30370254, 物种冗余相对性的实验研究, 2004/01-2006/12, 20万元, 主持
1) Li Wenbin , Yuxin Chen, Yandan Lu, Yong Shen,Shixiao Yu*. Seedlings of shade-tolerant tree species are more vulnerable to chilling rain under a forest gap. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2023, 213: 105420. (doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105420)
2) Zijian Huang, Zhen Li, Minhuang Wang, Dehuang Zhu, Qiong Yang, Shixiao Yu*. Coastal nutrient enrichments facilitated reproductive output in exotic mangrove species over two decades. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6:1183432. (doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1183432)
3) Xie Yan, Liuqing Shi, Keke Cheng, Yang Li,Shixiao Yu*. Host recognition and specific infection of Endomelanconiopsis endophytica during early infection. Journal of Fungi. 2023, 9, 1040. (doi.org/10.3390/jof9101040)
4) Li Yongning, Yan Xie, Zhengjiao Liu, Liuqing Shi, Xubing Liu, Minxia Liang, Shixiao Yu*. Plant species identity and mycorrhizal type explain the root-associated fungal pathogen community assembly of seedlings based on functional traits in a subtropical forest. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14. (doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1251934)
5) Xin Zhan, Shixiao Yu*, Yide Li, Zhang Zhou, Honglin Cao, Guangda Tang. Reconstructing historical forest spatial patterns based on CA-AdaBoost-ANN model in northern Guangzhou, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2023, 243.
6) Luo Qin, Zhen Li, Zijian Huang, Yierxiati Abulaiti, Qiong Yang, Shixiao Yu*. Retrieval of Mangrove Leaf Area Index and its Response to Typhoon Based on WorldView-3 Image. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2023, 30:100931. (doi: 10.1016/j.rsase.2023.100931)
7) Chen Youjun,Shixiao Yu*. Understanding urban expansion and its landscape responses with long-term Landsat data in Guangzhou, China. Asian Journal of Geographical Research, 2023, 6(3):34-46. (DOI: 10.9734/AJGR/2023/v6i3187)
8) Zhang Juanjuan, Qi Fu, Yu Huang, Yuxuan Fan, Minxia Liang, Huaihai Chen*, Shixiao Yu*. Negative impacts of sea-level rise on soil microbial involvement in carbon metabolisms. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 838,156087. ( doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156087)
9) Yong Shen, Maria Natalia Umaña, Wenbin Li, Miao Fang, Yuxin Chen, Huanping Lu, Shixiao Yu*. Linking soil nutrients and traits to seedling growth: a test of the plant economics spectrum. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 505:119941. (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119941)
10) Zhu Dehuang, Dafeng Hui, Zijian Huang, Xueting Qiao, Sen Tong, Mengqi Wang, Qiong Yang, Shixiao Yu*. Comparative impact of light and neighbor effect on the growth of introduced species Sonneratia apetala and native mangrove species in China: implications for restoration. Restoration Ecology, 2022, 30 (3)e13522.(doi: 10.1111/rec.13522)
11) 乔雪婷,张娟娟,李文斌,佟 森,李步杭,杨 琼,徐华林,陈 婷,余世孝.基于无人机遥感技术的广东内伶仃岛植被类型划分与植被图, 中山大学学报,2022,61(4):22-30.(DOI:10. 13471/j. cnki. acta. snus. 2021E014)
12) Qin Fangcuo, Shixiao Yu*.Compatible mycorrhizal types contribute to a better design for mixed Eucalyptus plantations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:616726. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.616726)
13) Zheng Yi, Yichun Xie, Yan Xie, Shixiao Yu*. Asexual reproduction and vegetative growth of Bionectria ochroleuca in response to temperature and photoperiod. Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11:10515-10525. (DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7856)
14) Liang Minxia, Liuqing Shi, D. F. R. P. Burslem, D. Johnson, Miao Fang, Xinyi Zhang, Shixiao Yu*. Soil fungal networks moderate density-dependent survival and growth of seedlings. New Phytologist, 2021, 230:2061-2071. (doi: 10.1111/nph.17237)
15) Huang Erhan, Yuxin Chen, Miao Fang, Yi Zheng, Shixiao Yu*. Environmental drivers of plant distributions at global and regional scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021, 30:697-709. (DOI: 10.1111/geb.13251)
16) Li Wenbin, Yuxin Chen*, Yong Shen, Yandan Lu, Shixiao Yu*. Plant trait differences and soil moisture jointly affect insect herbivory on seedling young leaves in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 482 (2021) 118878. (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118878).
17) Zhu Dehuang, Dafeng Hui, Mengqi Wang, Qiong Yang, Zhen Li, Zijian Huang, Hanmeng Yuan, Shixiao Yu*. Allometric growth and carbon storage in the mangrove Sonneratia apetala. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2021, 29:129-141. (DOI: 10.1007/s11273-020-09772-7)
18) 张娟娟,乔雪婷,李文斌,佟 森,李步杭,杨 琼,徐华林,陈 婷,余世孝.广东内伶仃岛植物群落类型及其分布. 陆地生态系统与保护学报, 2021, 1:23-37. (DOI:10.12356/j.2096-8884.2021-0012)
19) Fang Miao, Minxia Liang, Xubing Liu, Wenbin Li, Erhan Huang, Shixiao Yu*. Abundance of saprotrophic fungi determines decomposition rates of leaf litter from arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal trees in a subtropical forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 149(doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107966).
20) Zhan Xin, Shixiao Yu*. Reconstructing the historical patterns of forest stand based on CA-AdaBoost-ANN model. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 478:118518(doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118518).
21) Zhu Dehuang, Dafeng Hui, Mengqi Wang, Qiong Yang, Shixiao Yu*. Light and competition alter leaf stoichiometry of introduced species and native mangrove species. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 738:140301 (DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140301).
22) Cheng Keke, Shixiao Yu*. Neighboring trees regulate the root-associated pathogenic fungi on the host plant in a subtropical forest. Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 10:3932–3943. (DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6094).
23) Liang Minxia, David Johnson, David F. R. P. Burslem, Shixiao Yu, Miao Fang, Joe D. Taylor, Andy F. S. Taylor, Thorunn Helgason, Xubing Liu*. Soil fungal networks maintain local dominance of ectomycorrhizal trees. Nature Communication, 2020, 11:2636. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16507-y).
24) Luo Shan, Bernhard Schmid, Cameron Wagg, Yuxin Chen, Bin Jiang, Minxia Liang, Xubing Liu, Shixiao Yu*. Community-wide trait means and variations affect biomass in a biodiversity experiment with tree seedlings. Oikos, 2020, 129: 799-810. (doi: 10.1111/oik.07273).
25) Huang Fengmin, Minxia Liang, Yi Zheng, Xubing Liu, Yuxin Chen, Wenbin Li, Shan Luo and Shixiao Yu*. Soil nitrogen availability intensifies negative density-dependent effects in a subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 13:281–287. (doi:10.1093/jpe/rtaa012).
26) Shen Yong, Gregory S. Gilbert, Wenbin Li, Miao Fang, Huanping Lu,Shixiao Yu. Linking aboveground traits to root traits and local environment: implications of the plant economics spectrum. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019,10:1412. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01412).
27) Wu Jiahui, Shixiao Yu. Effect of root exudates of Eucalyptus urophylla and Acacia mearnsii on soil microbes under simulated warming climate conditions. BMC Microbiology, 2019, 19:224. (doi:10.1186/s12866-019-1604-6).
28) Liang Minxia, Xubing Liu*, Ingrid M. Park, David Johnson, Yi Zheng, Shan Luo, Gregory S. Gilbert, Shixiao Yu*. Soil microbes drive phylogenetic diversity-productivity relationships in a subtropical forest. Science Advances, 2019, 5:eaax5088. (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax5088).
29) Chen, Yuxin, María Uriarte, S. Joseph Wright, Shixiao Yu*. Effects of neighborhood trait composition on tree survival differ between drought and post-drought periods. Ecology, 2019, 100(9):e02766 (doi:10.1002/ecy.2766).
30) Qin, Fangcuo, Shixiao Yu*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi protect native woody species from novel weapons. Plant & Soil, 2019, 440:39–52 (doi: 10.1007/s11104-019-04063-4).
31) Li, Zhen, Qijie Zan, Qiong Yang, Dehuang Zhu, Youjun Chen, Shixiao Yu*. Remote estimation of mangrove aboveground carbon stock at the species level using a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle system. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11: 1018. (doi: 10.3390/rs11091018).
32) Shen, Yong, Maria Natalia Umaña, Wenbin Li, Miao Fang, Yuxin Chen, Huanping Lu, Shixiao Yu*. Coordination of leaf, stem and root traits in determining seedling mortality in a subtropical forest, Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 446:285-292. (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.05.032).
33) Liu, Shu, Fangcuo Qin, Yi Zheng, Shixiao Yu*. Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus urophylla on Legume–Rhizobium symbiosis. Allelopathy Journal, 2019, 46 (1): 97-108. (doi:10.26651/allelo.j/2019-46-1-1201).
34) Shuai, Fangmin, Shixiao Yu, Sovan Lek, Xinhui Li. Habitat effects on intra‐species variation in functional morphology: Evidence from freshwater fish. Ecology & Evolution, 2018, 22:10902-10913. (doi: 10.1002/ece3.4555).
35) Wu, Yingtong, Robert E. Ricklefs, Zijian Huang, Qijie Zan, Shixiao Yu*. Winter temperature structures mangrove species distributions and assemblage composition in China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018, 27(12): 1492-1506. (doi: 10.1111/geb.12826).
36) Wu, Wencheng,Yingxin Wu, Jiahui Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Xianbin Chen, Xinde Cai, Shixiao Yu*, Regional risk assessment of trace elements in farmland soils associated with improper e–waste recycling activities in Southern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2018, 192:112-119. (doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo. 2018.06.009).
37) Song, QM, FC Qin, H He, HC Wang, SX Yu *. Allelopathic potential of rain leachates from Eucalyptus urophylla on four tree species. Agroforest Systems,2018. 92:1-12. (doi:10.1007/s10457-018-0240-8).
38) Qin, FC, S Liu, SX Yu*. Effects of allelopathy and competition for water and nutrients on survival and growth of tree species in Eucalyptus urophylla plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 2018. 424(15):387-395.(doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.05.017)
39) Chen, Yuxin, María Natalia Umaña, María Uriarte, Shixiao Yu*. Abundance-dependent effects of neighborhood dissimilarity and growth rank reversal in a Neotropical forest. Proceedings Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 2018, 285: 20172878. (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2017.2878).
40) Luo Shan, Bernhard Schmid, Gerlinde B. De Deyn, Shixiao Yu*. Soil microbes promote complementarity effects among co-existing trees through soil nitrogen partitioning. Functional Ecology, 2018,32(3): 1879-1889.(doi: 10.1111/ 1365-2435.13109).
41) Liu, Shu, Fangcuo Qin, Shixiao Yu*. Eucalyptus urophylla root endophytic fungi can counteract the negative influence of phenolic acid allelochemicals. Applied Soil Ecology, 2018, 127:1-7. (doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.02.028).
42) Zhang, Zhiming, Shixiao Yu*. Potential tradeoffs between intraspecific and interspecific trait variations along an environmental gradient in a subtropical forest. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(6):1731-1740. (doi: 10.1007/s11676- 018-0594-9).
43) 吴艳艳、吴志峰、余世孝*.定量评价人类活动对净初级生产力的影响.应用生态学报,2017,28(8):2535-2544.
44) Shi Xianggang, Haidan Wu, Hongxian Xie, Yi Zheng, Yelin Huang, Shixiao Yu. Development of Microsatellite Markers for Eurya acuminatissima (Theaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences,2017, 5(7):1700037.
45) Wu Wencheng, Changxun Dong, Jiahui Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Yingxin Wu, Xianbin Chen, Shixiao Yu*. Ecological effects of soil properties and metal concentrations on the composition and diversity of microbial communities associated with land use patterns in an electronic waste recycling region. Science of the Total Environment, 2017,601:57-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.165)
46) Wu, Wencheng, Jiahui Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Xianbin Chen, Yingxin Wu, Shixiao Yu*. Inorganic phosphorus fertilizer ameliorates maize growth by reducing metal uptake, improving soil enzyme activity and microbial community structure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 143: 322-329. ( doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.05.039)
47) Luo, Shan, Gerlinde B. De Deyn, Bin Jiang, Shixiao Yu*. Soil biota suppress positive plant diversity effects on productivity at high but not at low soil fertility. Journal of Ecology, 2017, 105(6):1766-1774. (doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12773).
48) Chen, Youjun, Shixiao Yu*. Impacts of urban landscape patterns on urban thermal variations in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2017, 54:65-71. (doi:10.1016/j.jag.2016.09.007)
49) Luo, Zhaohui, Shixiao Yu*. Spatiotemporal variability of vegetation phenology in China over 2001–2014. Remote Sensing. 2017,9(1), 65. (doi:10.3390/rs9010065)
50) 汪小全, 王志恒, 马克平, 张大勇, 余世孝, 邱英雄, 冉进华. 全球变化对北半木本植物多样性的影响研究. 中国基础科学, 5, 57-62.
51) Chen, Youjun, Shixiao Yu*. Assessment of urban growth in Guangzhou using multi-temporal, multi-sensor Landsat data to quantify and map impervious surfaces. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016, 37(24):5936-5952. (doi:10.1080/01431161.2016.1252473)
52) Liang, Minxia, Xubing Liu*, Gregory S. Gilbert, Yi Zheng, Shan Luo, Fengmin Huang, Shixiao Yu*. Adult trees cause density-dependent mortality in conspecific seedlings by regulating the frequency of pathogenic soil fungi. Ecology Letters, 2016,19(12):1448-1456. (doi:10.1111/ele.12694)
53) Liu, Xubing, Minxia Liang, Rampal S. Etienne, Gregory S. Gilbert, Shixiao Yu*. Phylogenetic congruence between subtropical trees and their associated fungi. Ecology and Evolution, 2016, 6:8412-8422. (doi:10.1002/ece3.2503)
54) 李淑圆,周静妍,余世孝*. 基于高分辨率遥感影像的广州城市土地覆被分类系统. 中山大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 55(5):82-88.
55) Shen, Yong, Shi-Xiao Yu*, Ju-Yu Lian, Hao Shen, Hong-Lin Cao, Huan-Ping Lu, Wan-Hui Ye*. Tree aboveground carbon storage correlates with environmental gradients and functional diversity in a tropical forest. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:25304. (doi: 10.1038/srep25304)
56) Shen, Yong, Shixiao Yu*, Ju-Yu Lian, Hao Shen, Hong-Lin Cao, Huan-Ping Lu, Wan-Hui Ye*. Inferring community assembly processes from trait diversity across environmental gradients. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2016, 32:290-299. (doi:10.1017/S0266467416000262).
57) Chen, Yuxin, S J Wright, H C Muller-Landau, Stephen P. Hubbell, Yongfan Wang, Shixiao Yu*. Positive effects of neighborhood complementarity on tree growth in a Neotropical forest. Ecology, 2016, 97(3): 776-785. (doi:10.1890/15-0625.1/).
58) Wu, Yanyan, Shuyuan Li , Shixiao Yu*. Monitoring urban expansion and its effects on land use and land cover changes in Guangzhou city, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016, 188:54. (doi 10.1007/s10661-015-5069-2)
59) Liu, Lan, Shixiao Yu, Zhi-Ping Xie*, Christian Staehelin*. Distance- dependent effects of pathogenic fungi on seedlings of a legume tree: Impaired nodule formation and identification of antagonistic rhizosphere bacteria, Journal of Ecology, 2016, 104:1009-1019. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12570)
60) Xu, Meng, Yongfan Wang, Shixiao Yu*. Conspecific negative density dependence decrease with increasing species abundance. Ecosphere, 2015, 6(12):257. (doi:10.1890/ES15-00144.1)
61) Liang, Minxia, Xubing Liu, Rampal S. Etienne, Fengmin Huang,Yongfan Wang, Shixiao Yu*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi counteract the Janzen-Connell effect of soil pathogens. Ecology, 2015, 96(2) :562-574. (doi:10.1890/14-0871.1)
62) Liu, Xubing, Rampal S. Etienne, Minxia Liang, Yongfan Wang, Shixiao Yu*. Experimental evidence for an intraspecific Janzen-Connell effect mediated by soil biota. Ecology, 2015,96(3) :662-671. (doi:10.1890/14-0014.1)
63) Xu, Meng, Yongfan Wang, Yu Liu, Zhiming Zhang, Shixiao Yu*. Soil-borne pathogens restrict the recruitment of a subtropical tree: a distance dependent effect. Oecologia, 2015,177(3) :723-732. (doi: 10.1007/s00442-014-3128-y).
64) 余世孝(主编):生物学野外实踐能力提高丛书(1-5册). 高等教育出版社, 2014-2015.
65) Zhang, Yuhua, Yongfan Wang*, Shixiao Yu. Interspecific neighbor interactions promote the positive diversity-productivity relationship in experimental grassland communities. PLoS ONE, 2014,9(10):e111434.
66) Xu, Meng, Shixiao Yu*. Elevational variation in density dependence in a subtropical forest. Ecology and Evolution, 2014, 4(14):2823-2833.
67) Chu, Chaojun, P.E. Mortimer, Hecong Wang, Yongfan Wang, Xubing Liu, Shixiao Yu*. Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus on native and introduced tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 2014. 323:79-84.
68) Tian, Li, Jiquan Chen*, Shixiao Yu. Coupled dynamics of urban landscape pattern and socioeconomic drivers in Shenzhen, China. Landscape Ecology, 2014, 29:715-727.
69) He, He, Qinqmei Song,Yongfan Wang, Shixiao Yu*. Phytotoxic effects of volatile organic compounds in soil water taken from a Eucalyptus urophylla plantation. Plant & Soil, 2014, 377: 203-215.
70) Shuai Fangmin, Yongfan Wang, Shixiao Yu*, Density dependence in forests is stronger in tropical and subtropical climates among closely related species. Ecography, 2014, 37:659-669.
71) Luo, Yinghua, Fangliang He, Shixiao Yu*. Recruitment limitation of dominant tree species with varying seed masses in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. Community Ecology, 2013, 14(2):189-195.
72) Zheng, Wen, He He, Lin Xiao, Shixiao Yu*,Testing pathogen host specificity: a reciprocal field experiment in two types of tropical forest on Hainan, China. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2013, 29(6):541-549.
73) Gong, Chongfeng, Jiquan Chen, Shixiao Yu*. Biotic homogenization and differentiation of the flora in artificial and near-natural habitats across urban green spaces. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2013, 120: 158-169.
74) Ye, Jianjun, Chuanyin Liu, Zichao Zhao, Yuqi Li, Shixiao Yu*. Heavy metals in plants and substrate from simulated extensive greens roofs. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 55:29-34.
75) Tian, Li, Jiquan Chen, Shixiao Yu*. How Has Shenzhen Been Heated Up During the Rapid Urban Build-Up Process? Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013,115:18-29.
76) Gong, Chongfeng, Shixiao Yu*, Heather Joesting, Jiquan Chen. Determine socioeconomic drivers of urban forest fragmentation with historical remote sensing images. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 117:57-65.
77) Chen, Xu, Shixiao Yu*, Yaping Zhang. Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Dynamics from Simulated Land Use/Cover in China Using a Probabilistic Cellular Automata-Markov Model. Pedosphere, 2013, 23(2):243-255.
78) Liu, Wenli, Yongfan Wang, Quan Che, Shixiao Yu*. Pollination of invasive Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) by the introduced honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) in South China. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2013, 299:817-825.
79) 陈保瑜,宋悦,昝启杰*,谭凤仪,李喻春,余世孝. 深圳湾景观类型转移强度分析[J]. 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2013,03:93-102.
80) Ding, Xiaoqiu, Yongfan Wang*, Shixiao Yu. No evidence for a positive response of biomass production to species diversity in an experimental grassland. Polish Journal of Ecology. 2012, 60(4):667-675.
81) Liu, Xubing, Minxia Liang, Rampal S. Etienne, Yongfan Wang, Christian Staehelin, Shixiao Yu*. Experimental evidence for a phylogenetic Janzen–Connell effect in a subtropical forest. Ecology Letters, 2012,15(2):111-118. (SCI IF 17.557)
82) Xiao, Lin, Shixiao Yu, Mingguang Li*, Yongfan Wang. Community compensatory trend prevails from tropical to temperate forest. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(6):e38621. (SCI IF 4.092)
83) Yu Shixiao, Dayong Zhang, Fangliang He*. The multitude of biodiversity: methods, theories and applications. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2012,5(1):1-2.
84) Liu, Yu, Shixiao Yu, Zhiping Xie*, Christian Staehelin*. Analysis of a negative plant–soil feedback in a subtropical monsoon forest. Journal of Ecology,2012, 100(4):1019-1028.
85) Chen, Zhi, Chongfeng Gong, Jie Wu, Shixiao Yu*. The influence of socioeconomic and topographic factors on nocturnal urban heat island: a case study in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(12): 3834–3849.
86) 陈保瑜,宋悦,昝启杰,谭凤仪,李喻春,岳钥,田莉,余世孝. 深圳湾近三十年主要景观类型之演变. 中山大学学报,2012,51(4) :86-92.
87) Yan, Hanjing, Zhijian Fang, Hongyi Zhang, Shixiao Yu*. Fallopia multiflora var. angulata, a New Combination in the Polygonaceae from China. Novon, 2011,21(03):388-391.
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