性别: 男
学历: 博士
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导师类型: 博士生导师
本实验室以多种灵长类动物和水獭为主要研究对象,结合3S技术、营养生态学、保护生物学和行为生态学的理论和研究方法,重点研究其觅食、移动、通讯、群大小和配偶制的进化,并希望忠实记录这些濒危物种的分布和种群动态变化(document pattern),深入了解各种致危因素和濒危机制(understand mechanism),结合文献计量学科学评估各种保护措施的有效性(evaluate effectiveness),通过有效的科学研究和保护实践让这些濒危动物在中国拥有一个光明的未来。
现为中国动物学会兽类学分会理事、动物行为学分会理事、灵长类学会理事。2009年获得“优秀青年动物生态学工作者”称号,2013年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2015年入选国家高层次人才计划,2018年获得基金委“优秀青年基金”资助。American Journal of Primatology, International Journal of Primatology, Zoological Research,兽类学报等刊物编委。
1. 命名了白颊猕猴和天行长臂猿
2. 在不投食的情况下习惯化了多种灵长类,对无量山西黑冠长臂猿和印支灰叶猴,高黎贡山天行长臂猿和广西邦亮保护区的东黑冠长臂猿进行了深入系统的研究,详细阐明了这些物种对森林季节性变化的行为适应机制。
3. 通过长期的野外研究,确定一夫二妻是一种稳定的长臂猿配偶制,并提出了北部长臂猿一夫二妻制进化的新理论框架。
4. 对我国的6种长臂猿都进行了系统的调查,分析了本土生态文化、气候变化、人类干扰、保护区投入、科学研究等因素对长臂猿和濒危动物保护的影响。
- 科技部重点研发课题(2022YFF1301502):濒危旗舰动物的濒危过程与机制 (2022.09-2026.08)
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32171485):滇中无量山两种灵长类动物与种子植物互作研究(2022.01-2025.12)
- 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(31822049):灵长类的行为与保护(2019.01-2021.12)
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31770421):高黎贡山天行长臂猿觅食行为中隐含的认知能力(2018.01-2021.12)
- 中共中央组织部万人计划“青年拔尖人才特支计划”(2016.01-2018.12)。
1. Zhong XK, Zhu CY, Wang YX, Qi XM, Fan PF. 2023. Quantified diet provides suggestions for habitat restoration for the world’s rarest primate. Biological Conser vation. 284:110215.
2. Qi Li, Hanlan Fei, Zhenhao Luo, Shaoming Gao, Pandeng Wang, Liying Lan, Xinfeng Zhao, Linan Huang, Pengfei Fan. 2023. Gut microbiome responds compositionally and functionally to the seasonal diet variations in wild gibbons. Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 9:21
3. Hanlan Fei, Miguel de Guinea, Li Yang, Paul A. Garber, Lu Zhang, Colin A. Chapman, Pengfei Fan. 2023. Wild gibbons plan their travel pattern according to food types of breakfast. Proceedings B. 290: 20230430.
4. Lu Zhang, Li Yang, Colin A Chapman, Carlos A. Peres, Tien Ming Lee, Peng-Fei Fan. 2023. Growing disparity in global conservation research capacity and its impact on biodiversity conservation. One Earth. 6:147-157.
5. Shi KC, Yang L, Zhang L, Chapman C, Fan PF. 2023. Transboundary conservation hotspots in China and potential impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative. Diversity and Distributions. 29:338-348.
6. Yang L, Chen T, Shi KC, Zhang L, Lwin N, Fan PF. 2023. Effects of climate and land-cover change on the conservation status of gibbons. Conservation Biology. 37: e14045. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.14045.
7. Zheng KD, Liang D, Wang XW, Han YQ, Griesser M*, Liu Y*, Fan PF*. 2022. Contrasting coloured ventral wings are a visual collision avoidance signal in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 289: 20220678.
8. Fei HL, de Guinea M, Yang L, Chapman CA, Fan PF*. 2022. Where to sleep next? Evidence for spatial memory associated with sleeping sites in Skywalker gibbons (Hoolock tianxing). Animal Cognition. 25: 891-903.
9. Zhang L, Samuel TT, Chapman C, Fan PF*. 2021. Effects of protected area on survivla of threatened gibbons in China. Conservation Biology. 35(4): 1288-1298. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13664.
10. Fan PF*, Yang L*, Liu Y*, Lee TM*. 2020. Build up conservation research capacity in China for biodiversity governance. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4(9): 1162-1167. DOI. 10.1038/s41559-020-1253-z.
11. Chen Y, Ma C, Yang L, Guan ZH, Jiang XL*, Fan PF*. 2020. Asymmetric competition between sympatric endangered primate species affects their population recovery. Biological Conservation. 248:108558. DOI. 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108558.
12. Huang M, Ma H, Ma C, Garber PA, Fan P*. 2020. Male gibbon loud morning calls conform to Zipf’s law of brevity and Menzerath’s law. Animal Behaviour. 160:145-155. DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.11.017.
13. Zhang L, Guan Z, Fei H, Yan L, Turvey ST, Fan P*. 2020. Influence of traditional knowledge on conservation of the skywalker hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) outside nature reserves. Biological Conservation. 241: 108276. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108267.
14. Hu Y, Luo Z, Chapman CA, Pimm SL, Turvey ST, Lawes MJ, Peres CA, Lee TM, Fan P*. 2019. Regional scientific research benefits threatened-species conservation. National Science Review. 6(6): 1076-1079. DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwz090.
15. Zhang L, Wang QY, Yang L, Li F, Chan BPL, Xiao ZS, Li S, Song DZ, Piao ZJ, Fan PF*. 2018. The neglected otters in China: distribution change in the past 400 years and current conservation status. Biological Conservation, 228: 259-267.
16. Fan PF*. 2017. The past, present, and future of gibbons in China. Biological Conservation. 210: 29-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.02.024
17. Fan PF*, He K*, Chen X, Ortiz A, Zhang B, Zhao C, Li YQ, Zhang HB, Kimock C, Wang WZ, Groves C, Turvey ST, Roos C, Helgen KM, Jiang XL*. 2017. Description of a new species of Hoolock gibbon (Primates: Hylobatidae) based on integrative taxonomy. American Journal of Primatology. 79: e22631. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22631.(中国科学家首次命名类人猿新物种,引起世界广泛关注,新闻联播、新华社、BBC等近400家国内外媒体报道)
18. Li C, Zhao C, Fan PF*. 2015. White-cheeked macaque (Macaca leucogenys): a new macaque species from Modog, Southeastern Tibet. American Journal of Primatolgy. 77(7): 753-766. DOI: 10.100/ajp.22394. (封面文章,描述了一个猕猴属新物种,文章受到了BBC,New Scientist, Mail Daily, China Daily和新华社等国内外20余家权威媒体的报道)
19. Fan PF#, Ren GP#, Wang W, Scott MB, Ma CY, Fei HL, Wang L, Xiao W*, Zhu JG*. 2013. Habitat evaluation and population viability analysis of the last population of cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus): Implications for conservation. Biological Conservation. 161: 39-47.(文章受到Scientific American 和中国科学院院刊英文版的报道)
20. Fan PF*, Fei HL, MB. Scott, Zhang W, Ma CY. 2011. Habitat and food choice of the critically endangered cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) in China: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation. 144: 2247-2254.