性别: 男
电子邮件:[email protected]
导师类型: 博士生导师
工作电话: 020-84110115
职称: 教授
学历: 博士








1982.9~1986.7                              华南理工大学微生物工程本科,工学学士

1986.9~1989.7                            华南理工大学工业发酵硕士,工学硕士

1998.7~2001.7                            中山大学博士,理学博士






    赌博app-网络赌博软件 合成生物学研究所所长、中山大学-态创生物工程生物技术联合研究中心。国家自然科学二等奖获得者和国家重点研发计划项目课题负责人。现任中国微生物学会分子微生物与生物工程专业委员会副主任委员、中国生物工程学会合成生物学分会和氨基酸生物技术专业委员会创会以来的委员、中国生物发酵产业协会微生物育种分会创会以来的副理事长、广东省遗传学会第十届理事会监事长。担任SCI刊物Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology副主编及Microorganisms和 Frontiers in Microbiology的编委,以及国内《合成生物学》创刊以来的学科责任编委,国际期刊BioDesign Research的副主编。

他是国内最早从事微生物代谢工程与合成生物学研究的学者之一,长期从事高附加值天然产物的代谢工程与合成生物学的研究,发展了多种合成生物学技术,建立了国际先进的微生物分子育种技术平台,利用代谢工程、合成生物学与组学相结合技术,构建了多个达国际领先技术水平的产萜类、芳香化合物的微生物细胞工厂。在 包括 Metabolic  Engineering,  Biotechnology  for Biofuels, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 在内的代谢工程与合成生物学顶级刊物上发表了经同行评议论文近百篇。














  1. Lu Q, Zhou XL, Liu JZ*: Adaptive laboratory evolution and shuffling of Escherichia coli to enhance its tolerance and production of astaxanthin. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 2022, 15: 17. (20220216)
  2. Shen YP, Pan Y, Niu FX, Liao YL, Huang M, Liu JZ: Biosensor-assisted evolution for high-level production of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in Escherichia coli. Metab Eng 2022, 70:1-11. (20211226)
  3. Yan Z-B, Liang J-L, Niu F-X, Shen Y-P and Liu J-Z*:  Enhanced production of pterostilbene in Escherichia coli through directed evolution and host strain engineering. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12:710405. (20211007)
  4. Niu FX, Yan ZB, Huang YB, Liu JZ*: Cell-free biosynthesis of chlorogenic acid using a mixture of chassis cell extracts and purified spy-cyclized enzymes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021, 69(28):7938-7947.(20210608)
  5. Shen YP, Liao YL, Lu Q, He X, Yan ZB, Liu JZ*: ATP and NADPH engineering of Escherichia coli to improve the production of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid using CRISPRi. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2021, 14: 100. (20210420)
  6. Niu FX#, He X#, Huang YB, Liu JZ*: Biosensor-guided atmospheric and room-temperature plasma mutagenesis and shuffling for high-level production of shikimic acid from sucrose in Escherichia coli. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68(42):11765-11773.(20201008)
  7. 牛福星, 杜云平, 黄远斌, 周荷田,刘建忠: 工程微生物合成苯丙酸类化合物及其衍生物的研究进展.合成生物学 2020, 1(3): 337-357.(20200630)
  8. Xie ZZ, Lin WT, Liu JZ*, Luo JF*: Mixotrophic cultivation of Chlorella for biomass production by using pH-stat culture medium: Glucose-Acetate-Phosphorus (GAP)Bioresource Technology 2020, 313: 123506. (20200507)
  9. Shen YP, Niu FX, Yan ZB, Fong LS, Huang YB, Liu JZ*: Recent advances in metabolically engineered microorganisms for the production of aromatic chemicals derived from aromatic amino acids. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2020, 8: 407. (20200505)
  10. Niu FX, Huang YB, Shen YP, Ji LN, Liu JZ*: Enhanced production of pinene by using a cell-free system with modular cocatalysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68: 2139-2145. (20200124)
  11. Lu Q, Liu JZ*: Enhanced astaxanthin production in Escherichia coli via morphology and oxidative stress engineering. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2019, 67:11703-11709. (20191002)
  12. Niu FX, Huang YB, Ji LN, Liu JZ*: Genomic and transcriptional changes in response to pinene tolerance and overproduction in evolvedEscherichia coli. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2019, 4:113-119. (2019.9)
  13. Shen YP, Fong LS, Yan ZB, Liu JZ*: Combining directed evolution of pathway enzymes and dynamic pathway regulation using a quorum‑sensing circuit to improve the production of 4‑hydroxyphenylacetic acid in Escherichia coliBiotechnology for Biofuels 2019, 12:94. (2019.4)
  14. Feng YZ, Xie ZZ, Jiang XL, Li Z, Shen YP, Wang BC, Liu JZ*: The Applications of Promoter-gene-engineered biosensors. Sensors 2018, 18:2823. (2018.9)
  15. Niu FX, He X, Wu YQ, Liu JZ*: Enhancing production of pinene in Escherichia coli by using a combination of tolerance, evolution, and modular co-culture engineeringFrontiers in Microbiology 2018, 9: 1623 (2018.7).
  16. Li Z, Shen YP, Jiang XL, Feng LS, Liu JZ*: Metabolic evolution and a comparative omics analysis of Corynebacterium glutamicum for putrescine production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2018, 45:123-139. (2018.2)
  17. Niu FX, Lu Q, Bu YF, Liu JZ*: Metabolic engineering for the microbial production of isoprenoids: Carotenoids and isoprenoid-based biofuels. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2017, 2:167-175. (2017.9)
  18. Lu Q, Bu YF, Liu JZ*: Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for producing astaxanthin as the predominant carotenoid. Marine Drugs2017, 15: 296. (2017.9)
  19. Li Z, Liu JZ*: Transcriptomic changes in response to putrescine production in metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum.Frontiers in Microbiology 2017, 8: 1987. (2017.10)
  20. Shen HJ, Cheng BY, Zhang YM, Tang L, Li Z, Bu YF, Li XR, Tian GQ, Liu JZ*: Dynamic control of the mevalonate pathway expression for improved zeaxanthin production in Escherichia coli and comparative proteome analysis. Metabolic Engineering 2016, 38:180-190. (2016.11)
  21. Wei T, Cheng BY, Liu JZ*: Genome engineering Escherichia coli for L-DOPA overproduction from glucose. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 30080. (2016.7.15)
  22. Huang KY, Hu HY, Tang YL, Xia FG, Luo XQ, Liu JZ*: High-level expression, purification and large-scale production of l-methionine gamma-lyase from Idiomarina as a novel anti-leukemic drug. Marine Drugs 2015, 13:5492-5507. (2015.8)
  23. Shen HJ, Hu JJ, Li XR, Liu JZ*: Engineering of Escherichia coli for lycopene production through promoter engineering. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2015, 16:1094-1103. (2015.9)
  24. Zhang YY, Bu YF, Liu JZ*: Production of L-ornithine from sucrose and molasses by recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum. Folia Microbiologica 2015, 60:393-398. (2015.9)
  25. Li XR, Tian GQ, Shen HJ, Liu JZ*: Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to produce zeaxanthin. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2015, 42:627-636. (2015.4)
  26. Huang MT, Chen YY, Liu JZ*: Chromosomal engineering of Escherichia coli for efficient production of Coenzyme Q(10). Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2014, 22:559-569. (2014.5)
  27. Cui YY, Ling C, Zhang YY, Huang J, Liu JZ*: Production of shikimic acid from Escherichia coli through chemically inducible chromosomal evolution and cofactor metabolic engineering. Microbial Cell Factories 2014, 13: 21. (2014.2.10)
  28. Jiang LY, Zhang YY, Li Z, Liu JZ*: Metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for increasing the production of L-ornithine by increasing NADPH availability. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2013, 40:1143-1151. (2013.10)
  29. Jiang LY, Chen SG, Zhang YY, Liu JZ*: Metabolic evolution of Corynebacterium glutamicum for increased production of L-ornithine. BMC Biotechnology 2013, 13: 47 (2013. 6.1)
  30. Chen YY, Shen HJ, Cui YY, Chen SG, Weng ZM, Zhao M, Liu JZ*: Chromosomal evolution of Escherichia coli for the efficient production of lycopene. BMC Biotechnology 2013, 13:6 (2013.1.28)
  31. Lu DM, Liu JZ*, Mao ZW: Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum to enhance l-ornithine production by gene knockout and comparative proteomic analysis. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2012, 20:731-739. (2012.8)
  32. Lu DM, Jiang LY, Chen LA, Liu JZ*, Mao ZW: Optimization of fermentation conditions of the engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum to enhance L-ornithine production by response surface methodologyJournal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials, 2011, 1:116. doi:10.4172/2155-952X.1000116
  33. Huang MT, Wang Y, Liu JZ*, Mao ZW: Multiple strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for efficient production of Coenzyme Q(10). Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2011, 19:316-326. (2011.4)
  34. Zhang Y, Liu JZ*, Huang JS, Mao ZW: Genome shuffling of Propionibacterium shermanii for improving vitamin B12 production and comparative proteome analysis. Journal of Biotechnology 2010, 148:139-143. (2010. 7.20)