
1. 植物生物凝聚体和相分离研究;

2. 植物生物膜凝聚体对植物抗逆和生长发育调控机制;

3. 植物生物凝聚体在表观遗传学上的功能研究。

近五年,以第一/共同第一/通讯作者在国际主流期刊Nature Communications (2024) 、The Plant Cell(2020,2024)、EMBO Journal(2023)、PLoS Biology(2023)及 Physiologia Plantarum(2024)发表研究论文6篇,受邀以第一/通讯作者在Trends in Plant Science(2020)、New Phytologist(2018)、Journal of Experimental Botany(2019)和Developmental Biology(2018)期刊上发表综述/观点论文4篇。以共同作者在The Plant Cell、Plant Physiology 和 Plant Methods上发表植物逆境和发育相关论文3篇。

实验室长期招聘博士后(2024年起)。2024年实验室硕士博士招生方向为植物学,生物与医药,欢迎感兴趣同学联系[email protected]








2024年-至今 赌博app-网络赌博软件 副教授

2023-2023  希腊研究与技术中心(IMBB) 副研究员

2016-2023  瑞典农业大学(SLU) 博士后

2017-2017  德国莱布尼茨植物生物化学研究所 (IPB) 访问学者

2015-2016  德国亥姆霍兹慕尼黑研究中心(Helmholtz Munich) 博士后

2010-2015  德国慕尼黑大学(LMU)化学与药学院 博士

2007-2010  中山大学 赌博app 硕士

2003-2007  湖南农业大学 理学院 本科



围绕植物质膜蛋白的互作网络调控开展系统研究,取得了一系列创新性成果:在植物中开发并建立了一套可高通量研究动态互作网络的邻近标记技术体系,解决了凝聚体蛋白互作弱导致的假阴性现象,提出了“植物膜凝聚体”的概念,并解析了植物膜凝聚体感应内外源信号调控植物抗逆和生长发育的机制。以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature Communications、EMBO Journal、The Plant Cell、 PLOS Biology、Trends in Plant Science、New Phytologist等刊物上发表系列研究论文。



1. 中山大学引进人才计划,中山大学,2024/01-2027/01,在研,主持;

2. 中山大学高校基本科研青年教师培育项目, 中山大学,2024,在研,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2025/01-2027/12,主持,在研;


# co-first author, * corresponding author

Chen Liu#; Ioannis H Hatzianestis#; Thorsten Pfirrmann;  Salim H Reza; Elena A Minina, Ali Moazzami;  Simon Stael; Emilio Gutierrez-Beltran; Eugenia Pitsili;  Peter Dörmann;  Sabine D'Andrea; Kris Gevaert; Francisco Romero-Campero; Pingtao Ding; Moritz K Nowack; Frank Van Breusegem; Jonathan D G Jones; Peter V Bozhkov; Panagiotis N Moschou. Seed longevity is controlled by metacaspases. Nature Communications. 2024 Aug 8;15(1):6748. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-50848-2. PMID: 39117606;

Andriani Mentzelopoulou; Chen Liu*; Panagiotis Nikolaou Moschou; Protein Detection and Localization in Plant Cells Using Spot-Tagging, Physiologia Plantarum, 2024, 176((3):e14351) (通讯作者 )

Chen Liu; Andriani Mentzelopoulou; Amna Muhammad; Andriy Volkov; Dolf Weijers; Emilio Gutierrez‐Beltran; Panagiotis N Moschou; An actin remodeling role for Arabidopsis processing bodies revealed by their proximity interactome, The EMBO Journal, 2023, 42(9:e111885) (封面论文)

Chen Liu#; Andriani Mentzelopoulou#; Ioannis H Hatzianestis; Epameinondas Tzagkarakis; Vasileios Skaltsogiannis; Xuemin Ma; Vassiliki A Michalopoulou; Francisco J Romero–Campero; Ana B Romero–Losada; Panagiotis F Sarris; Peter Marhavy; Bettina Bölter; Alexandros Kanterakis; Emilio Gutierrez–Beltran; Panagiotis N Moschou; A proxitome-RNA-capture approach reveals that processing bodies repress co-regulated hub genes, The Plant Cell, 2024, 36(3): 559-584 (亮点论文

Chen Liu; Andriani Mentzelopoulou; Fotini Papagavriil; Prashanth Ramachandran; Artemis Perraki; Lucas Claus; Sebastian Barg; Peter Dörmann; Yvon Jaillais; Philipp Johnen; Eugenia Russinova; Electra Gizeli; Gabriel Schaaf; Panagiotis Nikolaou Moschou ; SEC14-like condensate phase transitions at plasma membranes regulate root growth in Arabidopsis, PLOS Biology, 2023, 21(9:e3002305)

Deepanksha Arora#; Nikolaj B. Abel#; Chen Liu#; Petra Van Damme#; Klaas Yperman; Dominique Eeckhout; Lam Dai Vu; Jie Wang; Anna Tornkvist; Francis Impens; Barbara Korbei; Jelle Van Leene; Alain Goossens; Geert De Jaeger; Thomas Ott; Panagiotis Nikolaou Moschou; Daniël Van Damme; Establishment of Proximity-Dependent Biotinylation Approaches in Different Plant Model Systems, The Plant Cell, 2020.08, 32(11): 3388-3407 (共同第一作者)

Chen Liu; Anna Törnkvist; Spyridoula Charova; Simon Stael; Panagiotis N.Moschou ; Proteolytic Proteoforms: Elusive Components of Hormonal Pathways? Trends in Plant Science, 2020, 25(4): 325-328

Dimitris Templalexis; Dikran Tsitsekian; Chen Liu; Gerasimos Daras; Jan Simura; Panagiotis Moschou; Karin Ljung; Polydefkis Hatzopoulos; Stamatis Rigas; Potassium transporter TRH1/KUP4 contributes to distinct auxin-mediated root system architecture responses, Plant Physiology, 2022, 188(2): 1043-1060

Anna Tornkvist; Chen Liu*; Panagiotis N Moschou; Proteolysis and nitrogen: emerging insights, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(7): 2009-2019 (通讯作者

Paulo H.O.Ceciliato; Jingbo Zhang; Qing Liu; Xin Shen; Honghong Hu; Chen Liu; Anton R.Schäffner; Julian I.Schroeder ; Intact leaf gas exchange provides a robust method for measuring the kinetics of stomatal conductance responses to abscisic acid and other small molecules in Arabidopsis and grasses, Plant Methods, 2019, 15(1): 38-38   

Chen Liu; Panagiotis N Moschou; Phenotypic novelty by CRISPR in plants, Developmental biology, 2018, 435(2): 170-175 

Chen Liu; Panagiotis N.Moschou ; Cutting in the middleman: hidden substrates at the interface between proteases and plant development, New Phytologist, 2017, 218(3): 916-922

Yi Zhou; Bin Tan; Keqiang Wu; Ming Luo; Yin Li; Chen Liu; Chen, Chen; Chun-Wei Yu; Songguang Yang; Shuai Dong; Jiuxiao Ruan; Liangbin Yuan; Zhou Zhang; Linmao Zhao; Chenlong Li; Huhui Chen; Yuhai Cui; Shangzhi Huang; HISTONE DEACETYLASE19 interacts with HSL1 and participates in the repression of seed maturation genes in Arabidopsis seedlings, The Plant Cell, 2013, 25(1): 134-148